Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Royal Finale: Announcing the Heroes of the Weekly Competitions!

 Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the moment you've all been waiting for has finally arrived! The thrilling competitions of Fish Hunt, Gold Hunt, and Cyber Society have come to a close, and it's time to reveal the triumphant winners who have emerged from the depths of these exhilarating competitions!

Before we dive into the details, let's take a moment to marvel at the skills and tenacity of all participants. You've navigated treacherous waters, scoured the virtual world for hidden treasures, and conquered the Cyber Society ranks with panache. Bravo!

These vacant podiums stand in anticipation, as if whispering, "Psst, fishing champs, we're keeping your spots warm – time to claim your thrones!"

Now, without further ado, let's unveil the champions!

Fish Hunt Royal Contest: The top three splash-tacular winners are:

two and three were not present at the award ceremony
  • Kelly Huntsman!
  • Second Place: MajikVixen Lorefield

  • Third Place:BrendaLee Fredriksson

  • ~~~~~~~~~~

The Gold Hunt competition, the top treasure-seeking titan is:

  • GOLD HUNTER OF THE WEEK: AmRiita1 Resident


In the Cyber RPG weekly face-off, let's meet the top talented champions who emerged victorious:

Our current KING/QUEEN: Brietje Munro


  • A round of applause for our awe-inspiring victors! 🎉
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As you embark on this new week of exciting competitions, don't forget to keep an eye out for our future articles, which promise to be as entertaining as they are informative.

But wait, there's a twist! We're extending a special invitation to all you talented fishers, treasure hunters, and cyber society enthusiasts to share your own stories from the world of LGH. Send a notecard to Elanna Althouse with your story, and if it gets published, you'll receive credit and earn GP! The amount of GP will vary according to the number of story submissions we receive (using a Pen Name is acceptable).

So, put on your thinking caps and start digging through your treasure trove of memories for that one gem of a story that will have the LGH community chuckling, gasping, or nodding in agreement. It's your chance to shine and contribute to the hilarity and insights we all enjoy in the world of LGH.

Good luck in the upcoming competitions, and may the fish be ever in your favor!

~Elanna Althouse~
Cheif Editor
LGH Publications

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Hooked on the Latest: A Fresh Catch of Fishing Tips and Tricks (Updated 04/29/2023)

Fish Hunt:

The Ultimate Guide to Making Lindens and Finding Your Inner Angler!

Are you ready to dive into the virtual waters of Second Life and become a master fisherman (or fisherwoman)? Look no further than Fish Hunt, the mini-game that lets you earn Linden dollars (L$) without spending any real-world cash. With a bit of time, patience, and a willingness to get your hands dirty (well, virtually dirty), you can start reeling in the L$!!!

Let's dive in (pun intended) and explore everything you need to know about Fish Hunt:

Getting Started:

  • To start fishing, head over to the Business Park in Second Life, or click on any Fish Hunt buoy and request a starter kit from the buoy. You can also purchase a free starter kit from the Marketplace.  Free Fishing Rod
  • The starter kit includes a beginner fishing rod and the Gold Tokens HUD, which shows your XP, earnings, and Fish Hunt All-time Rank.
  • Attach the fishing rod to your avatar's right hand and wait about a minute for it to start up. Then, find an active buoy (within 30m) and click/touch your fishing rod to cast out.
  • After using the free worms your basic rod included, you'll need more worms to catch fish.

  • There are four types of worms:

    • Small Green Worms (80s cast time) - the most affordable and longest cast time worms that guarantee profit. +1 XP and RP
    • Tasty Yellow Worms (50s cast time) - reduce cast time and +2 XP and RP. Catch fish faster, boost your XP, and give you additional RP for the weekly contest.
    • Enchanted Red Worms (45s cast time) - catch fish a lot faster and +4 XP and +5 RP
    • Magic Worms (40s cast time) - the best of the best, with crazy XP and RP boosts. Expensive but worth it for serious fishers. +12 XP and +12 RP
  • To buy worms, look out for barrels and left-click to buy. We recommend buying 100 at a time to avoid fractional Lindens. Example: if Smalls are on sale for 0.19L$ per worm, buy 100 for 19L$ to avoid losing a small bit of Lindens.

  • To cash out, use the GoldTokens HQ-Payout button on the HUD and head to the Fish Hunt ATM.. Make sure you have your LGH Group tag on, then click the keyboard of the ATM to withdraw up to 300L$ once every 24 hours.
  • First time Withdrawing? You must verify your email one time, ever.

    To Verify: Click the ATM. Click "verify". Type in your email address and enter. Go To your email. Click on the email from Goldtokens.Net. Click on the "Verify Link".

  • You only need to do this ONCE per ATM EVER! 

Upgrading Your Gear:

  • Want to take your fishing to the next level? Check out these fishing rods:

    • The Pro Rod - an upgrade from the beginner rod, offering 2XP+ per cast.
    • The Deluxe Rod - provides 4XP+ and is an upgrade from the Pro.
    • It's like going from a basic cup of coffee to a fancy cappuccino.
    • The Magic Fishing Rod - offers 8XP+ and has the ability to use Magic Fishing Potions for auto-casting. (AND has the ability to use Magic Fishing Potions. It's like adding a shot of adrenaline to your fishing experience. o..o)
    • The Shark Rod - an improved version of the Magic Rod with better scripts.

    • The Competitor Rod - the ultimate fishing rod, offering 10XP+ per cast and Click Anywhere To Cast (CATC) feature, and has two or one-handed cast animations.
    • It's like going from a regular rod to a turbocharged rocket ship.

    • Shubbies

  • You can also enhance your fishing experience with Shubbies, small pets that boost your cast speed and offer bonus XP. There are three types: Blue, Green, and Red.

    • Blue Shubbies Give 1XP+ and 5% cast speed boost. They're like the warm-up before a big game. are the most affordable and can be purchased from vendors at Business Park or from other players.

  • Green Shubbies: Give 3XP+ and 10% cast speed boost. They're like the MVPs of the game, and are the perfect little companions for any serious fisher. Not only do they provide a great XP boost and cast speed increase, but they also give you a chance to catch rare pet alacrity potions.

  • And if you're lucky enough to get your hands on a Red Shubbie, Give 5XP+ and 15% cast speed boost. , you'll feel like you hit the jackpot!

  • And don't forget to feed your Shubbies White Magic Powder. They'll love you for it, and it'll help them grow and level up. But be warned, if you let them run out of food, they'll go into shock and lose 4000 XP. That's like forgetting to feed your real-life pet and having it run away from home.

But wait, there's more! Let's talk about splits. No, not the banana kind. We're talking about Shubbie splits! When your Shubbie reaches certain XP levels, it will split into two! This means you'll have two little fish-hunting buddies instead of just one. Just make sure to keep them both fed, or else you'll be fishing solo again. And who wants that?


 Last but not least, let's cover buoys. You've probably seen blue, yellow, and red buoys while fishing, and you might be wondering what the difference is. Well, wonder no more!

  • Blue buoys are great for those looking to run multipliers and take advantage of local fishpots. They don't offer any RP bonuses, but who needs RP when you're raking in the Lindens, right?


  • Yellow buoys are perfect for those looking to get a little extra RP, but don't care about fishpots. They're also great for winning lotteries and scoring some bonus XP, worms, or even white magic powder!

 Red buoys might not offer multipliers or fishpots, but they still give you bonus RP, so don't discount them! Plus, they have a classic, understated look that's perfect for those who like to keep things simple.



Ah, credit - the magical thing that lets you buy stuff you can't afford with money you don't have. But hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to level up your fishing game, amirite?

 You have the option to make a down payment and pay off the rest through payments that come out when you withdraw from the atm. 

I'm thrilled to share the latest and greatest information on Fish Hunt with all of you. And rest assured, I won't stop there. Keep an eye out for my upcoming articles where I'll delve deep into everything that Linden Gold Hunt has to offer and break it down for you.

But I don't want to do it all alone. If you have something exciting (or forehead slapping) to add about LGH, don't hesitate to drop me a notecard. And if I decide to publish it, you'll get the credit and some GP for your efforts!!!! It's a win-win!

Thank you all for your continued support, and I can't wait to chat with you in the next article.

~Elanna Althouse~

 ©Elanna Althouse 

Gold Hunt - Like a Treasure Hunt - only better and for L$

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